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Just run the free Windows 11 text writing program!

Windows 11 desktop background in only one color?

List user accounts in Windows 11!

Windows 11 and the test page printout?

Find optional driver updates under Windows 11?

Startup Folder and all User Startup Folder for Windows 11?

The Computer Management in Windows 11!

What does -Updates are in progress- on Windows 11!

Single window mode plus preview window for all explorers!

What does "Required rebuild due to incorrect compiler settings" mean?

Questions specifically related to the analysis of locked files?

Energy saving mode, balanced and maximum performance difference!

Access to essential memory and system functions under Windows! 

The right font for every note and every door on Windows 11, 10, ...!

Preview animated Gif images in File Explorer!

Uninstall Q-Dir from Surface Pro on Windows 10, how to?

File Explorer file list data is not displayed!

Simply switch from the administrator to the standard user in the program!

Use specific icon layout for windows startup!

Windows Keyboard Shortcut for osk example in QTP!

Is the CPU set to 100 percent on Linux (per process)?

Next generation memory test!

Delete and remove locked files and folders!

Alternative Screen Magnifier from XP to Windows 10!

StressTheGPU the stress test for graphics cards!

Setting the countdown in Bitte.Wenden!

The created file can not be compressed!

Move the scaled-down photo with watermark to the clipboard!

Extra traces on Windows 10 / 8.1, ... leave behind!

Fantastic Rain Drops for all Mouse Devices on MS Windows OS!

Windows 98 Classic Desktop Clock for Windows 11 and 10!

Most viruses have mutated, some still have the typical Corona shape!

KeepMouseSpeedOK to keep the Mouse Speed on all Windows (11, 10, ...)!

For Windows 11, 10, ... folders size and files count on your SSD, HD, ... disks!

MagicMouseTrails Magic Mouse tracks on the Windows 11, 10, ... Desktops!

Notes on the desktop under Windows 11, 10, alternative to Short Note!

Position the desktop clock correctly on the desktop!

Screensavers prevent under Windows 11, 10, 8.1, ...!

Put the picture in the first position of the PDF, very easy!

Easy Font View possibility its O.K. also for Windows 11, 10 and  8.1, ...!

Digital Desktop Clock on Windows Are you changing the options?

Restore the last closed tabs by right-clicking on the tab bar!

Activate the checkbox to mark pictures!

Background color and selection in Explorer and tree structure Win 11, 10, 8.1, ...!

Permanently delete files from system default setting!

Download Chromium Edge offline installer!

Rename automatically saved Windows desktop icons layouts!

Lock Your Computer with Mouse!

In Windows 11, 10 customize the folders as documents, videos, music, pictures!

When keystrokes in Explorer the search field is selected / jumps on?

Block APPs and desktop programs under Windows 10 (prevent them from starting)!

Do I always have to work with the Deffender enabled under Win-10!

Look at the logging of problems in Windows 10/11 event viewer!

Acrobat Reader the PDF viewer free download!

Can crashes occur when using 32-bit programs on Windows 10?

Driver Update via the Windows 10/11 Device Manager!

Auto size Virtual Memory in Windows 10?

Desktop, icons and taskbar are suddenly gone on Windows 11, 10, 8.1, ...!

Standby, hibernation or lock in the start menu!

Understand a user profile under Windows 11, 10, 8.1 and MS server!

Why is the font not printed correctly under Windows 11 and 10?

Identify the big resource consumer on MS Windows 11, 10, ... OS!

Enable Windows 8 Style Start Screen in Windows 10!

Erase the Memory in Windows 10 / 11!

The easiest ways to sync with a time server in Windows 10 / 11!

Windows 10 Mail turn off round circle logos / profile pictures!

Improve desktop, place second monitor correctly under Windows 10/11!

How to archive files and folders in a ZIP file in Windows 10/11?

Change the Windows folder icons RGB color!

End processes via the Windows-10 / -11 / -12 command prompt!

XP Compatibility mode SP1, SP2, SP3 under Windows-10, -11 and 12?

Use DiskPart Utility in Windows 10/11!

Search query customize in Windows 10/11 and MS Server!

Windows 10 1803 Spring Creators update hangs!

Cortana window cannot be closed in Windows 10 / 11?

Desktop Clock for the Easter Desktop Wallpaper!

Percentage usage of every file and folder on Windows (11, 10, 8.1, 7)!

Adjustable timer for Desktop Icons!

Auto Align to grid and auto arrange in Explorer List-View!

Who benefits most from the screen brightness manager?

Create a new Favorite Run-Dialog Command, how to?

Is it not possible to find not safely deleted files and then delete them safely?

What is a memory (RAM) tester for Windows suitable for?

Open PowerShell directly in each folder?

Can I also delete locked directories under Windows 10 and 8.1?


C++ query whether a string or char ends with a specific character?

Remote Desktop access to local folders on Windows 11, 10, 8.1, ...!

Difference between dialog windows and normal Windows windows?

What can you do to prevent your PC from going off all the time!

Too fast cursor in Windows text editors?

What is a remote Windows shutdown program?

Back to 1803 from Windows 10 1809 October 2018 Auto-Update bugs, how to?

Where can I find the Windows on-screen keyboard?

Mount VHD (Virtual Hard Disk) via Windows Command Prompt?

What are command prompt internal commands?

Create hard links and soft links under Windows via command prompt!

Difference Between PowerShell and Command Prompt?

REN command to rename files, examples command prompt!

CPU processor information via the command prompt!

Use batch file to start multiple programs on Windows 11, 10...!

Difference extended command prompt and normal on Windows?

How to create at once several subfolders levels (commando-line)?

Bluetooth range?

Adding in Excel and the numbers?

Realize text around on image in Microsoft Word, but how?

Open Word, Excel and PowerPoint files without Microsoft Office!

What version of MS Office do I have?

Activate Paragraph format characters in MS Word, how can I turn it on!

Why can I not read the file list from MS File Explorer?

What is -fixed at this position- in the desktop clock?

How can I determine the Windows XP screen resolution?

Differences between screen savers in different versions of Windows?

Install old drivers on Windows 10, 11 and 12?

Print a single image multiple times on one page?

Does the hard drive in Windows also have something like virtual memory?

Wi-Fi connected but no internet access?

What is a Windows system language?

The best desktop clocks for Windows?

Windows 10 to 11 or rather wait for Windows 12?

Can I save the directory list as a PDF document under MS Windows 10, ...!

Can I print all lists and folder contents from the Explorer view on Windows 11, 10, ...?

Can I really give the comparison tool to everyone to compare pictures?

Translate the Find.Same.Images.OK in my Language!

How can I adjust power options in the notification area of the taskbar!

Make Windows 10 faster by cleaning up and ... like that?

Windows 10 slow startup of programs and high CPU load, what to do?

How to add directories to the library in Explorer Windows 10 / 11?

Internet Explorer 11 Windows 10 Enable/Disable (uninstall)?

Commando line to see the WLAN info on Windows 10/11!

On Windows 10/11, change visual effects to best Performance, how to?

How to remove the OneDrive folder from File Explorer in Windows-10?

Clean Installation of the Windows 10, how to do?

Where is the Windows 10/11 Start Sound, Logoff, Logon (enable, activate)?

Can I install Windows-10 from the USB stick, if so, how to?

Auto expand the folders in Windows 10 MS-Explorer, how to?

How to find installed program files in Windows 10 / 11 (uninstall)?

Change a user account type using Command Prompt line on Windows 10/11! 

Run Command Prompt and activate Opacity Mode on Windows 10!

If you could remove the mouse focus of the magnifier?

Can I also use the Standby Blocker on Windows XP, 7?

Prevent my computer from sleeping, but still allow the screen off?

Who should not use the Auto Hide Mouse Cursor tool?

Mobile phone, Umts, LTE, G4, G5, improve reception in the house or apartment!

Why is the universe flat, is it flat?

Difference between the functions 'C', 'AC' and 'CE' on the Windows computer?

Reset LG LED TV to factory settings?

Shadows and striped lines on the new graphics card (defective, bug)!

Shredder for Windows Desktop and Server OS!

Why and what is the purpose of a benchmark in the GPU stress tester?

PDF save Error on Windows 10 and 11 os, why?

Save the Scans as JPEG files in WinScan2PDF, how to?

Optionally exclude hard links and soft links, for what?

Who benefits most from the Pixel Tester for Screens and why?

How to auto run a program at a certain time in Windows 8.1 / 10?

How to enable the guest account for guest access under Windows 8.1?

How long has my Windows 8.1 or 10 PC been running?

Open and start Internet Explorer always on Windows 8.1 / 10 desktop (disable Metro App)!

On Windows 8.1 and 10, how to clean up the app folder, delete apps!

How to kill programs in windows 8.1/10 (programm hangouts)?

Include or exclude in Windows 8 / 8.1 / 10 compressed files when searching for files (. ZIP,. CAB, etc.)!

How can I see if I have x64 Edition or Windows x32/x86 on Windows 10/8.1?

Open and change default programs settings in Windows 8/8.1/10 for fileextensions, formats, types?

How to activate BitLocker on Windows 8 / 10 for the Drive Encryption (start, open, customize)?

How to disable Auto Updates in Windows-8 and Win 8.1 or customize (turn off, enable, stop)?

How to open Windows 8.1 Control Panel (run, find, start)?

How to use Whatsapp on the Windows Desktop PC!

Crack the facebook.de password if I forgot the password?

How to use voice search in Google Chrome on Windows?

Compare two separate folders One is the SYSTEM font folder?

Can i use this stress test for the overclocked graphics card (GPU crash)?

Difference between cores and threads on the CPU?

Why should I create non-compressible files?

The Stop Watch stops the countdown at mouse click!

How can I uninstall the MultiClipBoardSlots from Windows OS!

Having problems with certain image formats when adjusting the image size?

What is the best web server among Windows Server solutions?

What does end of mainstream support for Windows Server mean?

Download free trial versions from Adobe.com!

Can I also use and share this snow cannon commercially?

The difference between software for free and freeware?

What are the advantages of using the Magic Mouse Trails tool on Windows?

Why is my Intel HD graphics card slower than the others?

Difference 7-Zip and Zip format, archive!

What is the difference between RAID and AHCI?

How do I fix screen split issues?

Turn off files that can be harmful to the computer?

How do I use the character map? How do I use the character map?

Can I use the digital clock on the Windows 11 desktop?

Why is there so much hype about Windows 12 when it's just an OS?

Is it true that Windows 12 can only be installed on SSDs?

What should I pay attention to when using Quad File Explorer in Windows?

The animated gif images are not displayed in explorer views?

I can not display and see MP3 tags in Quad Explorer on Windows 11/10?

Auto-Expand of the windows system favorites at program start?

Can I select multiple files by using checkbox in the Quad-File-Explorer!

How can I change the color of the sorted column. Right now the sorted column turns white?

Won´t do password protected FTP in Explorer Views Addressbar!

How can I block to open *.zip, *.rar *.cab folder in explorer view?

The wrong program opens a file in Explorer View, why?

Which key is better, the right or left Windows key?

How do I take a picture of a specific window on MS Windows OS!

Difference in available and free storage space!

Difference between malware and adware?

What is the difference between a relative and an absolute path?

The system restore or the restore process takes a long time, why?

Help, why can't I print from my computer?

Difference between drives and hard drive?

What does WOW64 mean for Windows 11, 10, 8.1, ... the MS operating systems?

How to do a double-click?

Who needs that on Windows desktop icons hiding, is this a joke APP?

Command prompt Save program parameter arguments as favorites!

Edit and import file time stamps in Excel or Calc!

How do I make the hands colored in the desktop clock?

Looking for a solution to find and delete old files on Windows 11?

Windows 11 parallel to 10, how can I switch between them!?

Pin windows 11 programs to the taskbar?

Which is the latest Windows 11 version?

Is it possible to roll back a Windows driver?

Where are my drives on Windows 11, 10?

Applications start automatically under Windows 11, why?

How do I schedule a restart for Windows Update on Windows 11?

Where are the system fonts in Windows 11/12?

How do I add a desktop clock to the Windows 11 desktop?

Windows 11: manage, backup and restore network passwords!

Set the standard boot operating system for Windows 11 PCs!

Help the MS Windows 11 does not have an on-screen keyboard!

Does Windows 11 take up more space on my PC than Windows 10?

Help, Windows 11 doesn't have a performance index, why!

Difference between Singleton and Prototype Pattern?

Difference between HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2?

Difference between VPN and Remote Desktop?

Difference between virtualization and containerization?

Difference between HTML and CSS?

Can I remove the process killer from my new Windows 11 or 10?

What are access times, in Hard Drive Test?

Would be happy to distribute the DesktopOK software automatically at our school (/silent)!

Can I save the desktop icons layout on Windows 10/11 (position)?

Who should definitely use the quick insertion of frequently used texts?

QuickTextPaste_x64.exe or QuickTextPaste.exe?

How to start QuickTextPaste minimized to tray?

Will this increase my COVID-19 / Coronavirus immunity?

For what is the short desktop note for Windows good?

Disabling Airplane Mode Completely on Windows?

Can I use the desktop calendar in Office for commercial purposes?

Show the WiFi Profiles on Windows-7?

Find and Run the Computer Management in Windows-7, how to do?

How to change Short, Long, Date, Time format in Windows 10, 8.1, 7, ...?

How to save and open searches in Windows 7 ?

How can I create a Windows 7 universal DVD or ISO with all editions?

On screen keyboard at logon (login) in windows 10, 8.1, 7, log in without keyboard?

Can I download the Windows 7 test version (2019)?

What is timelessness?

What is a bookmark bar?

idiom the be-all and end-all?

What is a device driver?

What is a TPM 2.0 chip!

What is Command Prompt?

What is a timer?

What is a blockchain!

What are desktop fonts?

What is a print server?

What is a piezo element piezo sensor?

What is a url?

Surface Go or Pro?

What is a loose leaf binder?

What is Creators, Redstone, Threshold?


What is Spass, or Spass haben?

Which games can be played well on PC emulators?













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